Electronics & Telecome
Electronics & Telecome
Computer Science
Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering is committed to
To impart industry and research based quality education for developing innovative Electronics and Communication Engineers
To enrich the academic activities by continual improvement in the teaching - learning process
To infuse confidence in the minds of students to develop as entrepreneurs
To develop expertise for consultancy activities by providing thrust for Industry-Institute Interaction.
To endeavour for constant upgradation of technical expertise for producing competent professionals to cater to the needs of the society and to meet the global challenges.
Establish Centres of Excellence in VLSI, DSP and Embedded Systems
Start PG course in Communication Engineering
Strengthen facilities for R & D
Microprocessor and System Lab
Programming practice with 8085/86 ,Interfacing 8085 with high-power devices, relay, stepper motor, ADC and DAC 8086 with multifunctional I/O cards, thermocouple input cards and up to I/O cards. Programming Practice with IBM PC Macro Assembler and 1-bit trainer kit with IBM PC and using MASM.
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